Things you should know before you refinish your wood floor

Things you should know before you refinish your wood floor

Refinishing your floors can be an expensive undertaking. If one room is in dire need of repair, the whole of your flooring throughout that floor of your home could need to be sanded and refinished.

What happens during a refinishing project

You may not be able live in your home during the staining and sanding processes, which typically take around a week. Always ensure you wear protective equipment, such as a dust mask and ear defenders.

Your furniture must also be removed from the floors to be refinished. The process is time consuming, and entails the whole floor being sanded of any defects or old finishes. Once this is completed, the floor is then stained and then finished with a secure coating, which all takes days of drying time.

Usually, the whole floor must be refinished, otherwise it will not match. However, if the planks of wood lay the same way and not across the opening, and if your room is removed from the rest of your wood flooring by a doorway, you could just refinish a single room.

Why refinish?

Refinishing revitalises old wood flooring, and brings a bright new look to your décor. You can change the flooring’s colour, and also repair any physical damage to the floor from water, fire or staining.

Refinishing wood flooring is cost-effective, and is around two thirds cheaper than fitting new wood flooring.

Can every wood floor be refinished?

The flooring has to be thick enough to withstand the sanding process. Engineered flooring such as that found at woodfloorwarehouse is thinner and can be refinished twice at most, whereas hardwood flooring can be refinished at least ten times during its lifetime.

What colour works best?

Refinishing floors is costly and messy, so it must be done right and to your personal taste. Today, the most popular shade is a grey-brown colour, but for a timeless, classic style, mid-brown is the safest bet. Colour trends often come and go, so choose a shade you will be happy with for the years to come.

What is the best finish?

Gloss, high-shine finishes often look plastic and outdated, whereas matt finishes are more fashionable, but can be difficult to maintain. For a more timeless style, it is recommended to opt for a medium sheen.


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